My Tactic For Moving

Hello Friiiiiday. Thank you for showing up…yesterday felt like Friday so today really really feels like Friiiiday. Hello motivation? Ehh….it is slim.

On another note, I’ve been packing up my crap-o-la in preparation for moving this weekend and I’ve determined the following:

1. I don’t have alot of crap-o-la-; GOOD

2. There are items that I’ve been holding onto for years; Bad….donating asap

3. There are items that I may want, but need to store elsewhere; – Thanks Mom for holding onto the pending items

4. I don’t label any boxes. Here’s my strategy…apparently, I’ll “just know” which boxes hold what. However, I don’t have alot of “stuff” so this won’t be too difficult;e7cacad37784809127322162c17e46f5LOL, I wish!

Honestly, I don’ use this moving tip….but it would be a great tip for many!

5. I checked the weather and it isn’t going to be nice and warm. More like 60 degrees and a chance of rain. BOO!

6. Lastly, I’ve discovered that I HATE buying those necessary items like a toilet plunger, wand, plates, bowls, silverware, etc. I can just see my bank account going down instead of the opposite.

Overall, I don’t think I have any moving tips regarding this most recent move. Moving in general sucks. Plain and simple. The best tip that I have is to label your boxes! Shocking, I know! In the past, this has been very useful. For this move, I won’t need to label too much since I don’t have alot. I mean, I can label my mattress “Bed”  and my tv “TV’ but how effective is that? Other than amusing?!

With that being said, please don’t be surprised if I am absent for the next few days. I will be moving and trying to get my internet up and running.

Have a glorious Friday!






  1. If you ever see that pinterest tip of putting all your clothes in a plastic bag and leaving the hangers out at the top, it doesn’t work. Just so you know. Good luck moving 🙂 I HATE MOVING!

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