Let’s poke fun at running

We’ve made it to Thursday. About time!

Since some serious stuff will be happening tomorrow…I thought it would be a good idea to bring some humor into the picture. I was on The Oatmeal yesterday and came across some hilarious comics. I mean, come on’ all the comics are LOL, but some obviously are funnier than others.

Like this…








Why not poke some fun at running? Keep reading the comic, it gets better!


Why do I secretly agree with this? Don’t worry, I love talking about my accomplishments! 😉



True? I hope you enjoyed those as much as I did.

Boy, did I have a delicious smoothie last night.

A Strawberry Blueberry Smoothie.


Go Cougs?

Mix together: 1 scoop Strawberry Designer Whey protein powder, handful of spinach, 1/3 cup frozen blueberries, 1/2 cup ice and 1/2 cup water.

Okay, I am off to work. Seattle is going to see another 90 degree day in September. I am definitely not complaining. I even managed a four mile run in when I got home from the gym last night. It was only 85 at 7 PM.

Enjoy the day!

What is your favorite smoothie?

Favorite protein powder flavor or brand?

XO, Tara

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  1. Those were awesomely hilarious- thanks for sharing!! I love anything Strawberry and Vanilla- still looking into some good protein mixes. Usually I drink Lowfat Choco Milk after a run, or a Muscle Milk. I also love the Luna protein bars… 🙂

  2. I miss Seattle! We moved to Utah recently but want to move back to the Pacific Northwest. I miss the rain and especially the trees. The Oatmeal is hilarious!
    I, crazy enough for me, had an idea to start a blog on my 39th birthday and run every single day until I turn 40 next year. I keep praying for no injuries. So far it is going well. Thank goodness for Yoga and smoothies! Thanks for the recipes.

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