This Is My Song

Happy Wednesday!

Am I the only one who wishes it was at least Thursday? Geeze, after being in trial all last week there is so much work to catch up on. What’s with that?!

Also, how is it August already? I mean I LOVE August since it is my Birthday month. I celebrate all month, duh! Shouldn’t we all? Unfortunately, I won’t be doing the Beaver Lake Triathlon like last year. Unfortunately, it has been cancelled due to funding. After over twenty years, I couldn’t believe it. That means I’ll have to find another race to do….maybe…

It’s been sometime since I’ve done a One Word Wednesday. The first Wednesday in August is a good day to get going again.



Please tell me you watch The Deadliest Catch? Okay, well if you need a download…the Wizard is one of the crabbing boats on the show and it was docked in Ballard, Washington.

IMG_0385 (1)


While driving the Z3 on Sunday, mom thought it would be fun to snap a quick picture of me. What a creeper! 😉

I overheard on the news today that the PNW aka Seattle area would be going through a “cooling” trend in the next few days. The “cooling” trend will look like this…



Let’s just say that where I live, the temperature is roughly 5-10 degrees warmer. BTW, I am not complaining, I LOVE the heat.

I’ve been loving me some COUNTY music. When the warmer weather comes, I tend to be drawn to the country music and I am completely okay with it. The latest country music songs have been off the charts. Give me some Luke Bryan and I’m one happy gal.



Absolutely obsessed with “Play It Again.” Hands down.

Did you catch Luke on the CMA Festival: Country’s Night last night? OMG, all my favorite bands/singers played. I was in heaven!!

Do you like Country music?

What is your favorite music?

Has the weather been crazy warm this summer? If so, do you like the heat?

We are closer to Friday, I can taste it!

XO, Tara

Fun Facts Friday- Friday the 13th Edition

Happy dance, happy dance!

Today is FRIIIIIDAYYYYY—–>Friday the 13th to be exact! Watch out for the black cats and level 13 or whatever else freaks you out on this day.

I’m pretty stoked for the weekend. How about you?

It’s time to get to Fun Fact Friday

1. Look at that good ol’ bruise on my upper thigh. Totally ran into the corner of my side table. I know that I’ve ran into it many times and I still haven’t learned. 


2. Breakfast. I’ve had smoothies everyday this week so far for brekkie. I never used to eat breakfast, because I wasn’t always hungry. However, since I am lifting more I know that it would help me physically to consume more protein/food throughout the day.


3. #OITNB- OMG!!!!

4. Escape Club is the dumbest show ever. There was nothing else on last night, so I had to cringe my teeth and listen to this show (background annoyance).


5. Virtual Book Club! I need to figure this out. According to my last post, people are interested in this. Thoughts? How many books a month? Interested?

6. I’m going to a country concert on Saturday and I am pretty stoked for it.


10 bands in one day. Heck yes. However, we will probably show up in the later afternoon.

What are you up to this weekend?

Does Friday the 13th freak you out?

Are you in a book club?

XO, Tara

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